Hello everyone, do you see day by day people are converting their working system. A few years ago people did their business or any kind of personal work manually in different ways. But at present when anyone thinks about any kind of business or data transaction work, people try to think about digital platforms along with other systems. We all know that to do such kind of work the most common way is a website. So a very common question is, How much does it cost to set up a WordPress website in 2022?
Today I will explain details about the cost to set up a WordPress website.
If WordPress is free to download and use for all, then what is the cost of running a website on the web? Its open-source software means it will give you permission to build a site totally free. The main cost arises with WordPress hosting. Other than hosting another four things will make your cost for a website.
- Hosting
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Webpage custom design
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Plugins and Themes
Minimum Cost of a WordPress Website Hosting per Month:
- Hosting : $ 7.99
- Domain Name : $ 1.25
- SSL Certificate : $ 4.16
- Premium Theme : $ 4.79
- Premium Plugin : $ 3.91
Basically, maintaining a website of any purpose is your need. Depending on your purpose you should choose your pack. If you are a beginner who likes analyzing, testing and practicing in this field, then I will suggest a free pack.
When you feel like you are serving any potential and secured service to others, then you should spend. So, based on the above we can find that hosting a simple website like a blog, a small business, etc. will cost a minimum ($22.00 to $25.00) /month. But we have to keep in mind that the website build and hosting costs depend on its size and its functionality.
Let’s see some short notes about the Cost of a WordPress Website
Hosting Cost:
Website hosting is a basic/essential part of a website in this web world. And if you want to maintain any personal or corporate WordPress or any other website then you have to host it first.
Over 300,000+ web hosting companies are there in the world. Two types of hosting systems are there, Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting. You have to choose one according to your actual need based on a proper calculation of your website functionality and security.
We know in the same business cost also differs based on its product and service. Different types of hosting plans are available from different hosting service providers. If you want to host a small WordPress website under the Shared Hosting system, it will average between $ 24.00 to $ 216.00 /year.
Domain Name Cost:
Yes, you can start a WordPress website totally free under the domain name wordpress.com. But under the control and supervision of domain authority. A domain name cost will vary for the domain name extension like .com, .org, .net, .xyz etc.
Two types of domain names you can make license contracts with. One is a new domain and the other one is a premium domain. A premium domain name means the domain name which was registered by someone before. Now for any reason, that person is selling his license authority right to someone else.
If you want to control and handle its security system by your own domain name system, then you have to purchase your own domain from any domain authority. You can purchase your domain from $ 15.00 to $ 240.00 /year
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Cost:
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is basically that kind of standard technology certificate which keeps your data and internet connection secure. It will keep secure data transfer between server and client including encryption privacy and protection system.
Three types of SSL Certification systems are there. First Single Domain SSL Certificate which will protect a single domain and a subdomain by its system. Second Wildcard SSL Certificate which will protect a domain and all its subdomains. And the Third one is Multi-Domain SSL Certificate which will protect all domains and subdomains.
Those who maintain sites which carry sensitive information like credit cards, National Identification system etc. should take SSL Certificate. For this certificate, you have to spend $ 50.00 to $12,000.00 /year.
Themes and Plugins Cost:
We know more than 50,000 WordPress plugins and more than 9,000 themes are free on the WordPress platform. But all of them are limited versions, if you want to customize and get updates from developer time to time then you have to pay for that.
For a premium plugin you have to minimum $ 47.00 to $ 200.00 /year and premium themes cost a minimum $ 40.00 to $ 200.00 /year
If we observe in depth the cost system of a website, honestly no one can give you a single amount for your website. Actually the cost of your website to work properly and safely with your selected function, it will differ. I just tried to give you an idea about that in my above article. Hope you can understand and can choose your best policy for the future.